Abdur Rahim Sahib of Mauritius
Rahim Sahib was from Mauritius and had settled in London in his early teens. When I arrived in London he was a bachelor. Mr Rahim was an enthusiastic member of the London Jamaat and was very polite. He had a house in Fulham area where he used to invite members of the Jamaat to dinner which he cooked himself.
The London Mission used to offer free lunches and dinners on the occasions of Eids and other Jamaat gatherings. Rahim Sahib along with Maulvi Abdur Rehman Sahib, Aziz Dean Sahib, Ch. Ashraf Sahib, Yaqub Khan Sahib, Maulvi Abdul Karim sahib and Sheikh Mansoor Ahmad Sahib used to prepare food in the basement of the Mission House at 63 Melrose Road. They used to spend the whole night at the Mission House preparing food. Rahim Sahib was an expert in cooking Pulao and curries.
Rahim Sahib married, at an advanced age, a lady from Mauritius.
This match proved very successful. Fortunately his wife had also the quality of hospitality and welcomed his friends at her house with cheerfulness.
Rahim Sahib had read many books of the Promised Messiah and Khalifa Sani. His study of the Holy Quran was very vast.