Daud Ahmad Gulzar Sahib
Daud Ahmad gulzar Sahib arrived in the early sixties and bought a house close to the Mission House. His father was a Companion of the promised Messiah. Mr Daood Ahmad Gulzar was an enthusiastic member of the Community and had left no stone unturned, day and night, in the service of the Faith. After attending to his personal business, he would spend all the remaining time in serving the Jamaat. He always made supreme efforts to avoid incurring Allah’s displeasure. He was a young man, virtuous and pure. He spent a considerable time in supplications. He was a son of Hadhrat Moulvi Qudrat Ullah Sanori, a Companion of the Promised Messiah PBUH. He tried his best to follow his father’s example. He was very close to me and I enjoyed his hospitality very often.